Rembau filtration questions
filtration questions
Can a powerhead be too powerful causing under filtration and water to be cloudy...???I changed from a canister to ohf with 1200l/hr powerhead...i have filter wool, some cr and biohome in my ohf..
For some unknown reason, my water turn cloudy... Can the experts help...???
Having a 2ft tank with goldfish and using a 1200l/hr power head...
Not asking for crystak clear water (but if can, who dun want) but at least clear enough for me to see my fish...
did u add any medication into the water ?
>Bro could be bacteria boom . Like you said you change to a new filtration . Will clear up in a day dont worry !
>Sorry bro ! re read my post and realise theres a typo .. not bacteria boom . like you said you move the medias from canister to OHF and the medias sediment might be washed in to the water thus causing the water to be cloudy .
>I did not add any medication and all the medias are new...pre washed with old tank water only...
>I dun really suggest keeping goldfish with filter pump n running ohf, the suction of e pump, can tire off e goldfish, plus e output from e top n hit back down to the water, such water currents, from top n suction below, will make e goldfishes daily swim n swim non stop, easily shorten their lifespan.. A simple sponge filter n regular water change is better for keeping goldfishes.
>Originally Posted by kboiboi Sorry bro ! re read my post and realise theres a typo .. not bacteria boom . like you said you move the medias from canister to OHF and the medias sediment might be washed in to the water thus causing the water to be cloudy . Agreed with you, bro.
>Originally Posted by dino I did not add any medication and all the medias are new...pre washed with old tank water only... Most of the BB gone as the media are new, need to start the re-cycle process again. Give it few days.
>Originally Posted by dino I did not add any medication and all the medias are new...pre washed with old tank water only... As expected bro .. will clear up in a day or 2 .
>So now its a waiting game for me then...thx for all advice guys...
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